Sunday, March 27, 2005


Normally I would be complaining about a kitchen full of dishes,and a fridge full of unknown leftovers packaged by the helping hands of dinner guests. Not this year. My wonderful sister hosted a perfect Easter Sunday event. The best part was that I got to hang with her new kitty Lily. Not Lily as in Easter lily, just Lily. As in, that's the name of her new cat. Take a look at the egg cozies I made. That's just three of the lot. Now I must press on, (or knit on) to make a new batch for Passover. That's right, first Easter (I'm the goyisha), then Passover (hubby's the Jew). We celebrate it all with a clever mix of both traditions. Like coloring the Passover eggs, filling eggs with confetti, and not to be missed Molly's ever famous butter lamb. Sometimes we even bring both clans together for one big religious extravaganza. Easter baskets and Matzoh ball soup. You can't beat that!

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