Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sock it to Me!

Thanks to everyone who responded to my plea for an easy sock pattern. Yesterday I took a drive to "knitting central" in Westport, CT. Wow, what a really great yarn shop on the Post Road off of exit 18. The place is great. Very hip! This is what I purchased. The yarn is Koigu. The very enthusiastic and ambitious me purchased enough for 2 pair......ummm let me absorb that for a second. OK absorbed!!!!
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Last night Lenny and I went to my sisters for a Mother's Day dinner. The whole gang from my side was there,Mom, Dad, my brother David was was down from VT,my sister of course, her 2 kids, and hubby. A good time was had by all. I brought the wine, and a cd with songs from the 80's...whooohooo, that's all it takes for Anita to get up and boogey.Image hosted by Notice we actually lit a fire. sidebar HELLO SPRING, if your listening,I am freezing, could we please have some dry balmy weather? Here I am in front of the fire,where I spent most of the night. I started my gauge swatch. Notice how my wine glass is empty!!! That's just not right. Image hosted by This is my sister Anita and her daughter, my one and only favorite neice. Ally. Image hosted by Here's me and Ally, Image hosted by and, I just noticed, not one picture of my brother David. That's because he was behind the lense. David if you read this, email me the pictures from your camera, and a picture of you so I can post you on my blog dude! That's enough about the family drunken, disco, Mother's Saturday Night Day party. Today I spent about 4 hours in the basement sanding an old dresser we had in the house. Wow I wore a face mask and still had quite the eventful, emphasis on ful, nose blow afterwards. Lovely. I will post pix of that later, I am too tired to get off my ass and walk down two flights of stairs to take the picure right now.

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