Tuesday, March 29, 2005


2 days to Vegas...note to self...Knit Fuzzy dice on flight to LV

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Normally I would be complaining about a kitchen full of dishes,and a fridge full of unknown leftovers packaged by the helping hands of dinner guests. Not this year. My wonderful sister hosted a perfect Easter Sunday event. The best part was that I got to hang with her new kitty Lily. Not Lily as in Easter lily, just Lily. As in, that's the name of her new cat. Take a look at the egg cozies I made. That's just three of the lot. Now I must press on, (or knit on) to make a new batch for Passover. That's right, first Easter (I'm the goyisha), then Passover (hubby's the Jew). We celebrate it all with a clever mix of both traditions. Like coloring the Passover eggs, filling eggs with confetti, and not to be missed Molly's ever famous butter lamb. Sometimes we even bring both clans together for one big religious extravaganza. Easter baskets and Matzoh ball soup. You can't beat that!
My Egg Cozie's - I detect a cat burglar. Posted by Hello
Egg Cozies For Easter Posted by Hello These are the egg cozies from my new favorite knitting book, Weekend Knitting. Side bar: I was just surfing on knitblog.com and read about bandwidth theft.....people will steal anything these days......anyway I posted this pic of these cute egg sweaters from a book that I have via my scanner. Since the pic only shows as an X, I am afraid I have committed the worst possible blog faux pau - or I just really need to learn how to post pics. Please reply if you can help..... p.s. in the event that I am guilty of such crime, I will immediately post an apology, remove the unauthorized pic and properly snag the button "reformed bandwidth thief"

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Mother Nature Sucks!

Snow Sucks! Winter Blahs are back!!! Sitting in front of a roaring fire is no longer the activity of choice. I need to sit on the patio with a cocktail in hand, watching the sun set later and later each day. Now all I have is one more day of the Porsche/hockey puck blues. Someone is giving me the screws and I won't take it lying down in front of the fire!!! Today work was a real drag. Menopausal co-worker is really just a nutcase in disguise of a medical assistant. Instead of shooting daggers at me with her evil eyes, she is shooting 18 gauge hypodermic needles at me. AHHH but time will heal all. I am just sorry that she doesn't get any approval at home and needs to be a control freak at the office. NUTCASE!!!!! That's why they call it work and not a vacation. - sidebar- I feel much better having expressed that. - sidebar on the sidebar -ARGHHH - why do I keep saying Sidebar??? Maren??? Speaking of vacation, 7 days and counting to Las Vegas trip. Poker, Poker, Poker. Not that trendy Texas Hold'em poker, but big girl 7 card Stud. Viva Las Vegas. p.s. LZ if you are popping in on my blog baby, I have NOT forgotten the deal we made for Prada, Hermes and Louis Vuitton. Better pack the Gold card!!!!!!! Love you!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Must remember to charge camera!!!!!!!!!

Easter is This Week???!!!!

Panic has set in!!! Here I thought I could start a simple knitting project and finish it for Easter. What's with the f%#!ing calendar? Did somebody put time into super? Wasn't it just Christmas? I swear I just took down my Christmas wreath. (sad but true, it escaped the Christmas put aways) I need to come up for air. Work, laundry, laundry, dinner, dishes, laundry.....do I see a pattern here? 2 egg cozies down... 12 more to go.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Egg cozies

Last night I decided I needed to start a knitting project that I could actually finish(without too much psychic pain). And.....In reading my newest knitting book - Weekend Knits - I came across egg cozies. They are the cutest little sweaters for soft-boiled eggs. Well with Easter just around the corner, and Passover, I decided to knit these darling little egg sweaters. ( I will probably still color the eggs, can resist). I finished one last night, pretty easy, now I just have to pound out about 30 more. Oh my aching fingers. Picture of very cute egg sweaters to follow.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

First Post

Hummm, I've decided that since I enjoy reading other blogs about knitting and the everyday adventures of strangers, that I would create my own Blog Site. Is that the appropriate use of the term Blog?? Time will tell. Stay tuned....I am off to explore the settings of this site, so I can express my true self.