Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Abycatgirl Reads Blogs

That about sums it up. I am energized by the talented group of people affectionately referred to as Bloggers. I just ordered a copy of this and can't wait for it to arrive, although I am concerned with Jess Hutch's request to post fo's. That would mean knitting instead of reading. (check out her blog and the others on my page)
Hey, does anyone actually follow the blog rings? I find it pretty frustrating trying to find the ring links on other pages, and then I get really po'd when I am deadended by the MISSING LINK! I much prefer wandering aimlessly from blog to blog. Knitters and Crafters and writers alike! WORLDWIDE! Pretty damn cool, don't you think!


Jess Hutch said...

Hey Laura - I saw your comment on my blog - email me at jessieredrose@yahoo.com and I'll make sure I sent out your booklet. I didn't take any orders I couldn't fill, but I just want to make sure it got out.

Anonymous said...

Guess What? I stumbled upon you through the New England Knits blogring :o) I hate it when I come across a broken link or a hard to find one, too.